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Professional Carpenter Bee Pest Control Charlottesville VA

The carpenter bee, a solitary insect species, does not colonize. No colony means the carpenter bee does not have a queen or king. The adult grows up to 1.5 inches in length. Differentiating between the female and male carpenter bee is generally not that difficult. Even the inexperienced property owner should be able to differentiate between the two genders. Just knowing the female has a solid black body and the male, a multi-colored body of black and orange.

It is not unusual for a property to confuse the bumblebee for the carpenter bee. In this case, differentiating is expected to be slightly more difficult. To pull this dangerous feat off, the abdomen of both bees must be visually assessed. Note, the carpenter bee’s abdomen is a glossy black, while the bumblebee’s abdomen is covered with a thin layer of fur.

Why Is A Carpenter Bee Nest In My In My Cedar Tree?

The carpenter bee is drawn to softwood tree species, such as cedar and pine. Its powerful mandibles are utilized to bore tunnels in the branches and trunk of softwood tree species. The carpenter been tunnels are extremely difficult to detect from afar, making them extremely dangerous to passersby.

The female carpenter bee builds her nests deep inside the tunnels, where they are safe from predatory bird species, such as the woodpecker. Unfortunately, the tunnel depth is not always enough to keep the female’s eggs and larvae out of the woodpecker’s reach.

The woodpecker’s favorite prey just happens to be carpenter bee larvae. While the predator cannot visually detect the larvae in their nests, experts believe the predatory bird can pick up the larvae’ sounds audibly.

Do not confuse the structural damage of your softwood trees as belonging to the carpenter bees. Yes, carpenter bees do bore tunnels in tree branches and trunks, deck railing, mailboxes, garage eaves, fence posts, and fence posts. However, 99.9 percent of the visible damage is contributed to hours of pecking by no other than the predatory woodpecker.

Should Parents Be Concerned For Their Children When Carpenter Bees Are Nearby?

The carpenter bee is an aggressive insect. While not as aggressive as the yellowjacket and hornet, the carpenter bee has been known to attack humans and animals. When the insect perceives a threat, its aggression level gradually increases. On a good note, only the female has stinging capabilities, which she rarely puts to use.

Carpenter bees attack predatory animals by swooping down and darting forward. It is unclear if the insects physically hit their predators, but it is highly possible.

The male carpenter bee has a slightly shorter life span than its female counterpart. The male crawls deep into the tunnels, where it will perish following a breeding season. The female, on the other hand, will go on to lay her eggs deep in the tunnels. She will live up to a year, at which time she will crawl inside one of her tunnels and die.

Is It Dangerous To Relocate A Carpenter Bee Nest?

No, carpenter bee nests cannot be relocated by inexperienced individuals. Several factors make this feat extremely difficult, if not impossible. The first factor is the location of the carpenter bee nest. Carpenter bee nests housed inside o branches and trunks are impossible to relocate without damaging the trees. Nests housed in mailbox and fence posts may be relocated with minimal damage.

Why is it important to destroy the carpenter bee nest? First, and foremost, the carpenter bee is the only known insect species known to continue utilizing the same nests for future breeding seasons. With this in mind, if you ever hope to achieve and maintain a carpenter bee-free property, the nests must be destroyed. While preservation of the nest is highly recommended by all pest control experts,

In addition to the carpenter bee reusing its nest for future breeding seasons, the female has been known to share her nest with other females. When two or more carpenter bee nests are stored in the same tunnel, the danger becomes more apparent.

How To Safely Eradicate Carpenter Bees Outdoors?

A carpenter bee nest could be hidden inside of every softwood tree species on your property, without your knowledge. Even if you frequently walk around your property, the carpenter bee nest will oftentimes remain undetected.

Eradicating the carpenter bees is not always enough to completely eliminate the problem and the risk of future infestation. The nest must also be destroyed to deter the carpenter bees from returning to your property the following breeding season.

Do Carpenter Bees Voluntary Leave?

Yes, carpenter bees are known for coming and going, thanks to their overwintering behavior. The overwintering pest enters a specific property beginning in mid-spring. The insects breed, the male dies, and the female continues preparing for birth. The female will give birth and die a short time later.

The mature carpenter bee begins preparing for the overwintering process, which is set to begin in late fall or early winter. The species tend to utilize the same tunnel for breeding and overwintering.

Professional Or DIY Carpenter Bee Control – Which Is More Effective?

Professional carpenter bee management involves a commercial-strength pesticide, while do-it-yourself utilizes an over-the-counter pesticide. Which is more potent, the commercial-strength or standard OTC pesticides?

Is It Possible To Prevent Carpenter Bees From Returning To A Tunnel Housed On My Property?

Yes, but only if the tunnel no longer exists. Do not attempt a carpenter bee nest removal while the adults are still alive. The adult male and female pair must be eradicated prior to the removal. Our extermination team utilizes state-of-the-art technology and industrial-strength insecticides to fully eradicate carpenter bees and their eggs and larvae.

When Will The Exterminator Be Available To Perform A Carpenter Bee Inspection?

Our customer support team will process your service request, a process that takes between 24 and 48 hours. A representative will reach out to you regarding an appointment. We highly suggest an appointment that will complement, not complicate, your schedule.

Do not forget to inquire about our free pest control consultation and quote service.

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